Diabetic & non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a condition of nerve impairment, sometimes caused by illnesses such as Diabetes. It is characterized by pain, tingling, burning, or numbness in the feet or hands. Balance and motion may also be impaired. Over time, this may results in the loss of a limb — and in the meantime, the quality of life suffers.
MicroVascular Therapy (MVT) is a mode of physical medicine that addresses the problem uniquely. It is a noninvasive and pain-free treatment. More than 85% of MVT patients have experienced improved sensation and reduced pain, and half of these patients have experienced full restoration.
Powerful Wound Healing Therapy
MicroVascular Therapy (MVT), three times a week, stimulates autolytic debridement and manages pain. MVT gives the equivalent of multiple massage therapists in action simultaneously, but it massages at a deeper level and, unlike therapists, does not tire. Muscles are working at a level unreachable by external manipulation.
MicroVas has the abliity to bring additional blood flow and tissue oxygenation which, in turn, promotes collagen production, enhances proliferation of fibroblasts and increases white blood cell fighting capacity to accelerate healing and tissue rebuilding.
MVT-induced involuntary exercise also increases lymphatic drainage which can help reduce edema and the temporary swelling of post-injury inflammation.
MVT-indications for Therapy
- Diabetic and non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy
- Chronic diabetic foot ulcers
- Diabetic or non-diabetic ulcers
- Sprains/Strains: Sports injuries and plantar fascitis (heel pain)
- Edema
- To accelerate fracture healing